Chapters contributed to edited volumes:
“Translating Russian Literature in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine.” In Russian Literary Translation in the Global Context, edited by Muireann Maguire and Catherine McAteer. Open Book Publishers, 2024 (co-authored with Oleksandr Kalnychenko).
“Between censorship and nation building: the first Ukrainian lecture courses on translation studies from a historical perspective” in Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context, edited by Martin Djovčoš, Ivana Hostová, Mária Kusá, Emília Perez (Bratislava, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences VEDA, 2023), p. 63-89.
“Translation in Ukraine during the Stalinist Period: Literary Translation Policies and Practices”, in Translation under Communism. Rundle, Christopher, Anna Lange, and Daniele Monticelli (eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, рp. 141-172 (Co-authored with Oleksandr Kalnychenko).
“Translation as an Instrument of Russification in Soviet Ukraine”, in Translation and Power. Harmon, Lucyna and Dorota Osuchowska (eds.). Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften, 2020, pp. 29-43.
“Shakespeare’s Engagement in Ukrainian Cultural Renaissance of the 1920s-1930s”, in “A Sea-Change into Something Rich and Strange”: Shakespeare Studies in Contemporary Ukraine. Torkut, Nataliya M. and Yurii I. Cherniak (eds.). Liha-Pres (Lviv-Toruń), 2020, pp. 43-60.
“Translation as an Asymmetric Response to Soviet Colonialism in the Works of Ukrainian Dissident Poet-Translator Hryhoriy Kochur”, in Protest and Dissent. Conflicting Spaces in Translation and Culture. Pantuchowicz, Agnieszka and Anna Warso (eds.). Peter Lang GmbH, 2020, pp. 89-103.
“The labor camp poetry of Hryhoriy Kochur: Challenges for a Translator”, in National Identity in Literary Translation. Barciński, Łukasz (ed.). Peter Lang GmbH, 2019, pp. 91-101.
“The Untranslatable Ethnic: Always an Outsider? (A Brief Review of Ukrainian-to-English Literary Translation Practices)”, in Culture(s) and Authenticity: The Politics of Translation and the Poetics of Imitation. Pantuchowicz, Agnieszka and Anna Warso (eds.). Peter Lang GmbH, 2018, pp. 41-57.
“Identifying Shifts in the Allusiveness of a Source Text through Post-Soviet Translation as Deconstruction of the Target-Language Audience’s Soviet Identity”, in Identity and Translation Trouble, ed. by Ivana Hostová, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, рp. 35-59.
“First Comprehensive Treatments in Eastern Europe (1950s–60s),” Chapter 7. In The Routledge Handbook on the History of Translation Studies, edited by Anna Lange, Christopher Rundle, and Daniele Monticelli. Routledge, 2024.
Kalnychenko, Oleksandr and Lada Kolomiyets. “TRANSLATION AND CENSORSHIP IN UKRAINE UNDER RUSSIAN AND AUSTRIAN RULE FROM 1800 TO 1917.” In Routledge Handbook of Translation and Censorship, edited by Brian James Baer and Denise Merkle. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (forthcoming in 2024).
Kolomiyets, Lada and Oleksandr Kalnychenko. “TRANSLATION AND CENSORSHIP IN SOVIET AND INDEPENDENT UKRAINE.” In The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Censorship, edited by Brian James Baer and Denise Merkle. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (forthcoming in 2024).
Articles in academic journals (English-language only):
“Deconstruction of Russia’s Newspeak in Ukrainian Humorous Translation and Digital Folklore.” Ideology and Politics Journal, special issue “Critical Perspectives on Language and Power in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.” Editors of this issue: Natalia Kudriavtseva & Debra A. Friedman. Issue 2 (24), 2023, p. 128-166
“The politics of literal translation in Soviet Ukraine: The case of Gogol’s ‘The tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich’”. Translation and Interpreting Studies. The Journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2023, p. 325–359
“Manipulative Mistranslations in Official Documents and Media Discourses on Contemporary Ukraine”. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. The Journal of the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University. Volume 37 (Number 3–4), 2020. Pages 367-405.
“A Psycholinguistic Analysis of the First Ukrainian Syllabi on General and Special Methodology of Translation by Mykhailo Kalynovych and Mykola Zerov”. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics. 2020, Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 135-154
“The Psycholinguistic Factors of Indirect Translation in Ukrainian Literary and Religious Contexts”. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2019, 6(2), pp. 32–49
“(Re)translating Horace into Ukrainian Modernity: From Mykola Zerov to Andrii Sodomora”. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Volume VI, No. 2 (2019), pp. 73-112
“Women-translators of Belles-lettres in Soviet Ukraine of the 1920s-1930s: Educational, Cultural and Sociopolitical Profiles / Les Traductrices Litteraires en Ukraine Sovietique des Annees 1920-1930: Profils Educatif, Culturel et Sociopolitique”. Style and Translation: Collected Works, Kyiv: TSNU, 2019, Issue 1(5), pp. 41-74.
“Taras Shevchenko Translated and Retranslated by Vera Rich: A Lifelong Search for Poetic Perfection”. Respectus Philologicus, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty and The Jan Kochanovski University in Kielce, Faculty of Humanities, 2018, Nr. 34 (39), pp. 147-161.
“An ethno-ecological approach to multiple English translations of the poem Доля [Fate/Destiny] by Taras Shevchenko”. Studia Slawistyczne: Etnolingwistyka i Komunikacja Międzykulturowa, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II), 2017, Issue 4, р. 525-548.
“Vera Rich as a Translator of Taras Shevchenko: Working Towards Greater Semantic and Rhythmic Accurateness”. Studia Filologiczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2016, Vol. 29, pp. 43-62.
“From illusory precision to fateful misrepresentation of meaning in the translation of political documents”. Scientific Messenger of the UNESCO Department of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology: Collection of papers, Kyiv: KNLU Publishing Centre, 2017, Issue 34, pp. 57-67.
“Ukrainian Romanticism and the Modern Ukrainian Psyche”. The Ukrainian Quarterly: A Journal of Ukrainian and International Affairs. Vol. LXXII, Numbers 1-4 (Spring-Winter 2016), pp. 8-36.
“The Essentialized Kobzar by Taras Shevchenko in Michael Naydan's English Projection”, 2014. Style and Translation: Collected Works, Kyiv: TSNU, 2015, Issue 1(2), pp. 155-187.
“Three Profiles of the Translator in the Complete Poetry of Taras Shevchenko Translated from the Ukrainian by Peter Fedynsky”. The Ukrainian Quarterly: A Journal of Ukrainian and International Affairs. Vol. LXX, Number 1-4 (Spring-Winter 2014), pp. 18-39.
“Translation Engagement in National Renaissance Policies: A Survey of English-to-Ukrainian Literary Translations of American and Canadian Authors in the 1920s-30s”. Style and Translation: Collected Works, Kyiv: TSNU, 2014, Issue 1(1), pp. 52-67.
“Precarious Planning of Translations into Ukrainian at the Turn of the 1930s in View of the Soviet Canon Formation of Translated Literature.” East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Vol 11, no 1 (2024), forthcoming.
Book reviews (selected)
[Review]. Maria G. Rewakowicz, translator and with an introduction. MOUNTAIN AND FLOWER: SELECTED POEMS. BY MYKOLA VOROBIOV, Lost Horse Press, 2020. Lost Horse Press Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series 6, edited by Grace Mahoney. 125 pp. Illustrations. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Volume VIII, No. 2 (2021), p. 371-378.
[Review]. LANGUAGE CONFLICTS IN CONTEMPORARY ESTONIA, LATVIA, AND UKRAINE: A COMPARATIVE EXPLORATION OF DISCOURSES IN POST-SOVIET RUSSIAN-LANGUAGE DIGITAL MEDIA. By Ksenia Maksimovtsova. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 205. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2019. 507 pp. ISBN 978-3-83821-282-1. RUSSIAN REVIEW, Vol. 79 (3), 2020, p. 522-524.
[Review]. BREAKING THE TONGUE: LANGUAGE, EDUCATION, AND POWER IN SOVIET UKRAINE, 1923–1934. By Matthew D. Pauly. Toronto Buffalo London: University of Toronto Press, 2014. xx, 456 pp., illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. ISBN (cloth) 978-1-4426-4893-7. Harvard Ukrainian Studies Journal, Vol. 36 (Number 3-4), 2019, p. 504-507.
Works in progress
Book: Kolomiyets, Lada, contributing editor. Living the Independence Dream: Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Contemporary Socio-Political Context. Vernon Press, forthcoming in 2024.
Monograph: Russification and Censorship in Eastern Europe (forthcoming in 2025)
Poetry translated into English
Subterranean Fire: The Selected Poetry Of Natalka Bilotserkivets. Co-translator. Glagoslav Publications, 2020.
The Inta Notebook: The Poetry of 1945-1953 by Hryhoriy Kochur (Bilingual edition). Editor and co-translator. Kyiv: Pinzel, 2022.
Three wartime poems by Natalka Marynchak. Translated from Ukrainian by Lada Kolomiyets. Apofenie. November 29, 2023.
Everyone will have their own story. Poetry by Natalka Marynchak. Translated by Lada Kolomiyets. Versopolis. January 11, 2024
It turns out that you were in the basement of the Mariupol Theater, My God! A bilingual Georgian-Ukrainian wartime poetry collection, with English translations of individual poems. Tbilisi: Sulakauri Publishing House, 2023. (Translations into English by Lada Kolomiyets of the poems by Halyna Kruk and Natalka Marynchak, pp. 53-55, 58, 90-91)
The war in Ukraine through the lens of women-poets (a lecture with publication of poetry translations)